In the Quran, it is seen in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177, 2:285) and Surah An-Nisa (4:136) that there are six conditions of faith:

If We List the Conditions of Faith as They Are:

  1. Belief in the Oneness of Allah
  2. Belief in Angels
    Angels are living, luminous beings with intelligence. They are beloved and honored servants of Allah, not His partners or daughters. They obey Allah’s commands without rebellion and do not commit sins. Their only duty is to carry out the tasks assigned to them.
3) Belief in the Holy Scriptures

Allah has sent many scriptures. According to religious texts, the total number of these books is 104. Among them, 100 are smaller scriptures called Suhuf (scrolls), which were revealed to the following prophets:

  • 10 Suhuf to Adam (AS)
  • 50 Suhuf to Seth (AS)
  • 30 Suhuf to Enoch (Idris AS)
  • 10 Suhuf to Abraham (Ibrahim AS)

The four major books were revealed to the following prophets:

  • Torah (Tawrat) – revealed to Moses (Musa AS)
  • Psalms (Zabur) – revealed to David (Dawud AS)
  • Gospel (Injil) – revealed to Jesus (Isa AS)
  • Quran – revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
4) Belief that Prophet Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger and the Final Prophet & Belief in All Prophets

The first prophet was Adam (AS), and the last prophet is Muhammad (peace be upon him). Many prophets were sent between them throughout history.

5) Belief in the Afterlife

Everyone will be resurrected after death and will be judged. After judgment, they will either enter Paradise (Jannah) or Hell (Jahannam). Both Paradise and Hell exist now and are eternal.

6) Belief in Divine Decree (Qadar) and Predestination

This means believing that everything—good and evil, pleasure and pain, life and death, benefit and harm—exists by Allah’s knowledge, will, power, decree, and creation, and that there is no creator besides Allah.

The Fundamental Characteristics of Islam in 14 Points

  1. Islam is a monotheistic (Tawhid) religion.
  2. Islam values reason and intellect.
  3. Islam is a universal religion.
  4. Islam is a religion of ease and facilitation.
  5. Islam is a religion of peace.
  6. Islam is a religion of love.
  7. Islam avoids extremism.
  8. Islam is a religion that encompasses both this world and the afterlife.
  9. Islam is a religion in harmony with human nature (Fitrah).
  10. Islam ensures social justice.
  11. Islam is the final divine religion.
  12. Islam forbids monasticism.
  13. Islam promotes good morals and ethics.
  14. Islam emphasizes cleanliness and purity.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Islam is built upon five fundamental pillars.

1) Declaring the Shahada (Testimony of Faith)

“Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu.”

“I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and messenger.”

2) Performing Salah (Daily Prayers)

Every Muslim who has reached the age of maturity and possesses a sound mind is required to perform the five daily prayers. Prayer is considered the pillar of religion and an essential act of worship in Islam.

3) Giving Zakat (Obligatory Charity)

It is obligatory for a Muslim to give one-fortieth (2.5%) of their wealth (after deducting debts) if they possess at least 96 grams of gold or its equivalent in money or trade goods.

4) Fasting in Ramadan

Fasting during the month of Ramadan for one month is an obligatory act of worship.

5) Performing Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

A Muslim who has enough wealth to cover both the journey and the needs of their dependents must perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime. The pilgrimage includes circumambulating the Kaaba and standing at Arafat.


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